
Our Company Aim : Respect

Aspire to be a positive force for improving the lives and the environment in which it operates through:

  • Respecting
    the environment and investing in sustainable energy sources for a secure future.
  • Respect
    the local culture and support initiatives to enable herders to maintain their lifestyle.
  • Respect
    the land and water and seek to mitigate impacts at all levels of the Company’s activities.
  • Respect
    the people of the region through providing meaningful employment, education and training and improving their health and well being.
  • Respect
    the local laws and regulations and seek to exceed these as a minimum standard.

Leadership in Governance

In June 2019 and alongside other large Mongolian Mining Company’s, Aspire signed on to a voluntary charter of behavior, Miners for Responsible Mining.

Main commitments include:

  • Following high standards of governance and transparency
  • Promote internal policies for gender equality and anti-discrimination
  • Occupational Health and Safety
  • Environmental protection

Supporting local community development.


Policies and a Culture of Transparency

Policy commitments consistent with UN charters and ASX rules and guidelines.

Board Approved Policies:

  • Anti Corruption and bribery
  • Whistleblower Protection
  • Diversity
  • Community Engagement
  • Environment and Sustainability

Sustainable Development and the Community

Our sustainable development strategy and programs are in harmony with the following strategic documents that are enforced in Mongolia

  • UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030
  • Mongolia Sustainable Development Principles 2030 and Vision 2050
  • Company Sustainable Development Strategy (2020) available on web site.

Health care initiatives such as sponsoring a mobile pediatric cardiac clinic in the local community.

Fodder cropping over 200 ha to assist with local livestock and growth of dairy and meat industries.

Supporting local sporting clubs.